Tuesday 13 December 2011

A Resurgence in Motivation! Well more like attempted to correct monumental stupidity.

To be fair to myself at this point it wasn't as though I was not actually properly motivated before. There is a perfectly valid excuse for the gargantuan delay between my first post and my second. Simply put, I lost my details to this site therefore rendering it useless to me as a way to dispense my weekly reviews. As a result I started using a different blogging service with the same principle and even the same title, it was modestly successful for a few weeks if I do say so myself!

However, tragedy does in the way that it so often seems to in my life, through my own sense of negligence. While I was taking a brief leave of absence from the blogging world in order to focus upon my research for my university degree I made a point of filling all my most visited sites on Google Chrome with academic resources. (I'm sure you can all see where this is going) While this benefited me in the long run especially regarding my education, it did mean that when I was free to continue my reviews I could no longer remember what the backup site was...It had completely slipped my mind! How? I'm not sure, all I know is that all the reviews and debates I had posted are now lost to the cyber world. This may seem like an idiotic thing to do but I would like to add at this point that I am a technological simpleton so any pathway open to those with a reasonable command over the internet is firmly shut to me.

So I'm back, to attempt to alleviate my plight I believe I have managed to find the saved documents containing my previous posts and am making the effort to have them posted here as soon as I can. Please ignore the fact that they are horribly out of date :).
