Monday 2 January 2012

Jurassic Park cinematic re-release review

I know this is a bit late, Jurassic Park's stay in cinemas has now been and gone. However, I posted this in my previous blog and since I lost that I thought it would be prudent for me to upload as many of my previous reviews as possible, just for my own personal sense of continuity, I hope you understand!
 Being only recently 20 I am of that unfortunate age where I just missed the opportunity to see Jurassic Park in the cinemas when it was originally released in 1993. Of course I have seen it many times then, both on VHS and DVD and it remains one of my favourite films to this day. Well much to my delight I learned that it had been re-released theatrically in our UK cinemas and as such found myself convincing my university to friends to accompany me for a ‘trip down memory lane’.
There is one thing that I must say before I continue my...well I hesitate to use the word review because there is little point in reviewing a film almost everyone knows to be a cinematic masterpiece, perhaps more of a personal description of my experience. Anyway, as I was about to say there is one thing that I must say, and that is that this experience was worth every penny. As soon as the lights lowered and the film began and we were greeted with the iconic scene in which a crew member is dragged into the cell of the vicious Velociraptor to be eaten alive I knew that this was going to be an experience to remember.
Every scene which had seemed so magnificent to be in my childhood was only emphasised by the big screen and surround sound systems offered by Cardiff Cineworld. I must confess that despite film being by absolute passion I am very rarely as enthused by a film as what I was this time. I can say without fear of contradiction that this is a film that was designed to be seen in the cinema. From the first shots of the part and the herd of brachiosaurus to the thrilling kitchen hunt and dramatic Tyrannosaur conclusion in the park’s tourist centre I was as riveted as I was the first time I saw this film about 14 years ago.
While I am not going to bother mentioning any specific performances due to the fact that we all know how good they are I shall just mention that somehow on the big screen they seemed as fresh and engaging as they did on the day of its original release. The surround sound utilised by the cinema really manages to create an even tenser atmosphere, in two particular cases: The eerie shriek of the Velociraptors and the bellowing roar of the T-Rex. The sound did on numerous occasions make my female companion jump with fright. How many other films can you think of that can do that 18 years after if it first released?
It may sound a bit like I am gushing, but truly I find it difficult to convey how impressed I was with this film. In this modern Hollywood in which cinema is dominated by films like The Smurfs and the Twilight Saga it makes a nice change to see something which when leaving the cinema I feel as though this is one of the better cinema experiences in my short life. I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone. Please see this instead of The Smurfs, I beg of you.

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